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You don't have to make your choice alone.

There are many resources available to new parents in our community!

What resources are available to help me? 

Our pregnancy advocates will direct and guide you based on your individual needs. We can link you with local providers that offer a variety of resources such as:

Pregnancy and parenting support

Urgent needs for diapering, clothing, and formula

Help for teen moms


How will I support myself and my child?

If you work or go to school, you may qualify for public assistance. Public assistance covers a variety of needs, such as food, medical, housing and supplies for your child. We can help set up an appointment to find out if you qualify.

What is the best decision for me? 

The best decision is an informed decision. Knowing your options and how they may impact you and your child can help you make the choice that's right for you both. Information is free and can bring confidence to your choices.

How will being a parent affect my time?

Like any new mother or father, your routine will change. If you are planning to parent, talk honestly with your family and friends about how they may be willing to help you prioritize self care.

Can I choose adoption later if I decide that I can't parent?

YES. You may reconsider adoption after you have been parenting at any time, and that's OK! Our pregnancy advocates have local and out of state connections to multiple agencies. 

Schedule an appointment today!

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